
Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Diving into "Vortex"

Decided to plunge in and start quilting one of the photo fransfers that I made during the first Still Life Challenge and had already fused to batting. I've outlined in white pencil the flow of the lines intended and then started sewing with red rayon thread. Looked very thin and weak, stitches too tiny...after a few rows remembered one can 'draw' with the thread so started sewing back and forth over the line to thicken it up. Yes! Much better balance. Have done two lines and will continue tonight when I return from the office.

1 comment:

jenclair said...

I've tried several different times to leave comments, but our computers seem not to have been on speaking terms! They've made up now, and today are willing to communicate.

Wanted to tell you that I really like Vortex and that the Fence Shadow in those remarkable, surreal colors is fantastic. Love the sinuous, serpentine shape repeated, repeated, different widths and colors.