
Sunday, August 28, 2005

Poem for Melody

Although I had sent it to Melody, realized the poem wasn't on my own blog. The poem just came to me after I read her post on Aug. 10 about how different her Summer turned out to be and how much her husband was enjoying the new red car. It reminded me of how my husband and I discovered how plans can blow away like dandelion fluff on a gentle Summer day and it's the shared moments that count most of all. Here it is:

Red Car Won

The plans I made like petals fell
When moments blossomed new
And all the planned tomorrows
Were nothing but 'to do.'

I saw with sharing, love and care
Joy truly filled the while--
As friends and family brightened days,
And red car caused a smile.

We each can find a treasure
In moments seeming small,
Like diamonds shine our givings...
Reminding, "Love Is All."


Melody Johnson said...

I never got the chance to say how much I loved your poem. My dh was so impressed and talks about it to anyone who will listen. Isn't that neat?

Olenka said...

Thank you, Melody. Later thought that maybe it was improper etiquette to post a poem on someone elses blog, but it surprised me and I had to share.

I thank YOU for your beautiful creations, heartfelt enthusiasm and life-sharings which opened the door for this poem and have given me courage to explore working in fabric again.